Once I am married it is imperative to be on the same page both financially and philanthropically. Philanthropically, I would like for my husband and I to follow my religious beliefs of giving 10% of our income to our church. Additionally, I am very passionate about charities supporting abused women, so I would like to give to a charity that supports them. Ideally, I would like to specifically support a local charity in my hometown of Melbourne, FL called “Serene Harbor”. I also see it very important for not only our marriage but also our individual souls, to volunteer our time to causes we hold dear to us. Financially, I would like to have a joint account for my husband and I that we both pay into. My ideal marriage is one where we make first priority to pay our bills. Then beyond that, I believe we both work hard for our money and we shouldn’t question one another on items we purchase (within reason). However, I hope we live selflessly and put the others needs before our own. My parents set a great example for that in my household growing up, that I’d like to continue in my married life. As well, a little odd to mention, but I would really love to be able to give generously to our children, when that point of life occurs.
To have a strong, loving marriage that sets a good example for our children
To have open and honest relationships, especially regarding money
To make sure we vacation as a family at least once a year
To have family dinners as often as possible
To never put ourselves in debt
Have proper documents in place that set up our future in event of a passing