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Building a Winning Planning Team

As I age and begin to start putting together a winning planning team, I have a few ideas of what I believe will make it as successful as possible. I deem it extremely important to be cautious and thoughtful of who I include around my table. I know my anchoring factors of education, faith, age, and location will play a major role in decisions I make. However, a few people I believe are imperative to have there and give guidance is a financial advisor so they are well prepared and educated on how to handle my finances when going through a difficult time. Additionally, I see it as necessary to have a mentor, or someone you respect their opinion and knows you on a personal, rather than professional level. Above all, no matter what role the person is playing in my decision making, they must understand me and my values to best guide me. 



  • Designate who I want to sit around my table

  • Make sure their job positions are clear, and they understand me and my goals

  • Have the team as a whole be open and communicate well with one another

  • Don't solely make major decisions for at least 9 months after a tragedy

  • Have a plan in action prior to needing to use it

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